NCCS Mobile App
The Challenge
When dealing with cancer, many people are too scared to ask the doctor questions and often walk away from conversations with their doctor confused by the many medical terms used. The fact is, dealing with the emotional aspects that accompany cancer, together with the complex details of treatment, can be overwhelming. Cancer patients and survivors need to know that it’s okay to ask their doctor questions and expect answers in terms they can understand. NCCS needed a creative solution to assist cancer survivors and patients during this difficult time.
The Solution
As it turns out, the answer was in our pocket. With more and more health-related information being delivered electronically, it was determined that a smart phone app could bridge the gap between the doctor and the patient, stimulating conversation that ultimately helps the patient receive better quality cancer care.
The Result
After qualitative research and analysis of NCCS’s network of cancer patients and survivors, I identified the Apple iOS as the operating system of choice to target the release of this innovative mobile app. The concept for the app was simple: allow cancer patients and survivors to quickly and easily build lists of practical questions used to guide conversations between you and your doctor. The lists, or Care Guides, would then be used to prompt conversation with the option of recording the answers through the app for reviewing later – or to share with family, friends or other health care professionals. Some of the major features of the app include:
- Browse hundreds of questions in categories relevant to stages of your cancer diagnosis
- Build lists of questions to use when talking to your doctor
- Record and playback your doctor’s answers
- Can’t find the right question to ask? Create your own custom questions and add them to the app
- Explore the extensive glossary to learn more about medical terminology your doctor uses
- Link doctor appointments to your lists and automatically add it to your calendar